The research project “Innovation Cluster for Entrepreneurship Education” ran for three years, from January 2015 to January 2018. In the centre of the project was the mini-company method. Mini-companies combine practical and theoretical learning and stimulate collaboration between school and working life. The largest mini-company scheme is provided by Junior Achievement and their Company Programme… Les mer »
Tracing study in Namibia: A survey on entrepreneurship among young adults
The working paper “Tracing study in Namibia: A survey on entrepreneurship among young adults” is empirically oriented. It presents findings from a survey about entrepreneurship among young adults in Namibia. The purpose is to learn about young Namibians experiences with the subject called Entrepreneurship in secondary school, and to learn about their involvement and interest… Les mer »
Det lille kvantitative metodeheftet
Dette notatet er basert på undervisningsnotater i forbindelse med undervisning i samfunnsvitenskapelig metode ved Høgskolen i Lille-hammer og Norges Teknisk – Naturvitenskapelige Universitet. I notatet gjennomgås noen grunnleggende måter å analysere kvantitative data på ved statistikkprogrammet SPSS. Notatet er beregnet for studenter, forskere og andre som har liten eller ingen erfaring med bruk av kvantitativ… Les mer »