Avvikling av HVPU:

På bakgrunn av erfaringer fra fem forsøkskommuner viser vi hvordan kommunene kan arbeide når de skal overta ansvar for tiltak og tjenester for psykisk utviklingshemmede

Freshwater Crayfish in Estonia. I: Action plan for crayfish management. II: Crayfish status report

The aim of the project «Crayfish management in Estonia» has been to improve the basis for a sound management of the crayfish resource. The management plan consists of three parts, an action plan and a status report (which make up the present report) and a data base containing all available information on Estonian crayfish populations…. Les mer »

Freshwater crayfish in Lithuania. I: Action plan for crayfish management. II: Status report.

The aim of the project «Crayfish management in Lithuania» has been to improve the basis for a sound management of the crayfish resource. The management plan consists of three parts, an action plan and a status report (which make up the present report) and a data base containing all available information on Lithuanian crayfish stocks…. Les mer »