The project assignor for this study is the Namibia Association of Norway (NAMAS). NAMAS is an international non-profit organisation started as a solidarity organisation for the people of Namibia in 1980. NAMAS is currently working on four education projects in Namibia, one of which is “Pedagogical Entrepreneurship”. In 2004, the Ministry of Education of Namibia (MOE) decided to introduce Entrepreneurship as a new subject in Junior Secondary Schools. The National Institute for Educational Development (NIED) was tasked to put this decision into practice. The preparatory work on the introduction of Entrepreneurship was completed in the period 2006-08. In this period, NAMAS has provided direct economic assistance, strategic assistance, and has supported an expert group from Hedmark University College (HUC) with its involvement in the process of pre-service training, in-service training, and the development of teaching methods, curricula and other written materials. In May 2008, the Eastern Norway Research Institute was chosen to evaluate the role of NAMAS in assisting the MOE with the introduction of Entrepreneurship. Our work is finalised with this report. The conclusions in this report are based upon the following data gathered in Norway and Namibia: Individual interviews with two teachers involved in the pilot group; three group interviews with learners; a group interview with representatives from one College of Education; and individual interviews with the chair of the steering committee, the Entrepreneurship coordinator (leading the pilot group), the director of NAMAS and the project leader from HUC.

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Evaluation of Pedagogical Entrepreneurship. Evaluation of the Preparatory Work on Introducing Entrepreneurship in Namibian Junior Secondary Schools | (rapportnr. 200811)

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