Eastern Norway Research Institute  has a strong and interdisciplinary expertise in public innovation, especially related to welfare services. Our research on public service innovation includes for example studies of framework conditions, models for innovation and innovation processes, and the implementation and dissemination of new solutions aimed at increasing the quality or efficiency of services.

The public sector is facing demanding challenges related to demographic change, exclusion, and a shortage of qualified labour. These changes are putting considerable pressure on the capacity of public services and the sustainability of society more generally. At the same time, the demands for flexibility and adaptation will increase in the years ahead. Among other things, technological developments mean that people’s expectations of public services are changing rapidly. To meet these challenges, it is important to strengthen knowledge and help ensure that it becomes an integral part of the restructuring processes in society. To solve the public tasks of the future, we need innovation in the public sector and in the interaction between the public sector and business, civil society, and the individual.

We work closely with, among others, the Competence Centre for Public Innovation (KOI) at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Service innovation in the private sector

Innovation is necessary to strengthen competitiveness, improve profitability and generate business growth. It is a fundamental factor that can help firms to reach new markets, expand their existing market shares and achieve sustained competitive advantage.

In our research we emphasise factors that are important for innovation and innovative behaviour. We contribute to the development of knowledge about barriers and driving forces for innovation, innovation processes and effects of service innovations in Norwegian business and industry.

This part of innovation research is and has been central to several studies:

  • Project Innovative Pricing Approaches in the Alpine Skiing Industry. In this project, we have focused on what influences demand for alpine skiing. We came up with new and innovative ways of pricing lift tickets to maximise resort profits and ensure sustainable development under different conditions.
  • Project CreaTur. In this project, we have identified new areas where the sharing economy can contribute to more sustainable solutions and increased value creation in the tourism industry in the Norwegian hinterland. In addition to meta-analyses, surveys, and interviews, the CreaTur project has used innovative research methods to obtain perspectives and ideas from the youth in Inland Norway.